

I tried.

You have to want something so you can try it.
You have to try it so you can make mistakes.
You have to make mistakes so you can figure you out what you did wrong.
Once you figure out what you did wrong, you can do it right.

I want to be a good writer. So I tried.

My Creative Writing class is interesting. It's very laid back. For the poetry section, we have to post an original poem of any form to the forum online and revise it over the next few weeks. I guess what really bothered me was that there weren't any requirements as to what kind of poem we had to write. In another class I took (from a different school) we were required to write three poems of three different styles.

Anyway, it was really tempting to sit there and post a poem from the other class, because I had already been told it was well written. But I challenged myself and wrote a new one. Then I posted both of them to the forum.

The first one I wrote for Intro to Lit last year. It's a Shakespearean sonnet - the rhyme scheme is ABBA ACCA DEDEDE {with a subtle break between the first and second groups of four lines, and between the first 8 and following 6}. The form overall is that during the first eight lines, a dilemma or situation is described and in the second six, it is resolved or changed.

Battle Worthy Spring

I fain would have a battle-worthy Spring
To spite cold Winter's crude and cruel designs.
Invoked by her, our tired and weary sighs,
Our dirges and our mournful carols ring.
And winter's vice!—her mortal arrows sing—
Snow; snow; in drifting, streaming lines
The rain and weeping, howling wind betimes
Encircle dwellings all, with icy wings.
But sunlight warms, inspires our tongues to dance
With soft, sly songs of coming season's cheer
And words of buds and blooming. Every chance
Of stolen sunshine gives us reason more to leer
As wounded Winter with her shattered lance
Admits a battle-worthy Spring for one more year.

{It's coming guys!}

Second poem: (no name yet - another Shakespearean Sonnet)
We hold our breaths one season of each year.
Fall, spring and summer bring us joy; surprise;
Winter freezes through – snow in shocked eyes,
And cold outlines the warmth within our cheer.
A stouter heart arises out of fear
Our motto: we will champion, not enjoy.
We suspect charming Winter’s beauty ploy.
We hide our weakness from those held most dear.
But restlessness drags us outside in guilt.
One moment, just to feel the wind, I swear.
We laugh, grasp living white as if a hilt—
For the innocent spectator to appear.
And soon the snow is unarranged and spilt –
It’s pattern spelling love of winter clear.

Um...let me know if you have a good name for the second poem!! Critique is welcome. That's what they're here for. Like I said, we have to try so we can make mistakes. 


  1. I know I am not going to be of any help, but you are a brilliant writer and I love you more than white chocolate.

    1. THAT is a wonderful complement. Thank you Tiffany!

  2. Wow. Are you sure you wrote that first one and didn't just copy it from some professional poet?? O_o

    You, m'dear, write fabulous poetry.

    1. Haha! You want to know how I got inspiration for the first one? It was close to the beginning of March and I went outside to get the mail. The sun was melting all the snow. It was one of those days when you feel like fighting just cuz everything's so beautiful. So instead of fighting, I went inside and inspired the rest of my class to don their own armor. :D

    2. Those days are the best! We had a couple of them this week. The kind of day where mud and slush are welcome, cheeks burn with frozen roses, and the air smells of damp decay, somehow fresh. Yes.

      But now we've moved past those days for the time being. Summer is beginning to wage war with spring. The sun-rays pierce, an arrow killing off last hint of winter. Sun lays heavy and hot on skin, Spring desperately trying to brush it away with puffs of chilled air.

      Goodness sakes, yer makin' me go all poetical on ye! Hmph. Must be contagious.

    3. Poetry contagious? That is a good thing, I think. Ya, it is, cause I love your writing. Do more!

  3. Yes, The first is the best. Though you get more out of the second with each read. Must mean it is deep. Name suggestions... how about "Cold Beauty" or "Winters Ploy."
    Now I want to I want to try.


    1. Hmmmm, I like "Winter's Ploy". Good naming skills! - there're something I lack. Thanks for the complement, by the way.
