

"That's a bitter Irony..."

All righty folks, this ought to be entertaining. I'm gathered up some ironic facts for you. Enjoy!

*Did it ever occur to you that nothing ever occurs to God? (That's not irreverant, I promise!)

*Did you know that the Egyptian queen, Cleopatra, wasn't Egyptian? After Alexander the Great conquered Egypt and then died, his general, Ptolemy, took over Egypt. Cleopatra was descended from Ptolemy, not a drop of Egyptian in her.

*"Have you ever noticed that when you say "No comment," you're actually commenting?" "No. I never noticed that when I'm trying not to coment, I comment by saying that I indeed do not have a comment to comment with, thereby commenting and contradicting my acclaimed absence of comment with a very comment itself."

*Why is it that whenever you pick up something you really want to read, the other person in the room becomes incureably talkative?

*Why do you drive in a Parkway and park in a driveway?

*Charlie Chaplin himself once "failed even to make the finals." in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest! :-D

*This one strikes a little close to home...One young man was particularly confident that he would pass his road test on the first try, so he made arrangements with his buds to go out driving with them about an hour after he was scheduled to take the his new truck. On the day of the test, he smiled boldly at his test officer, put the truck in reverse, and promptly backed into another vehicle. Of course, he failed immediately. He still went around town with his buds, but instead of driving, he had to watch his mother take the wheel.

*The other line moves faster.

*I play soccer and, I'll admit, I'm a little a little! short. I play defense. It's my favorite position. And my question is, Why do the forwards for the other team always have to be soooo tall?!


  1. Let me know if ya'll have any more!

  2. Ooohh. Those are all great! :-D :-D

  3. Good! Thanks. I'm waiting for other people to comment too...(Hint!) But thanks for being my Faithful Commenter. What would I do without you? Probably die, to tell the truth.

  4. I think sometimes we all tend to wait for someone to do something while they wait for us to do the same thing back so nothing ever gets done
