

Title Here

Did it ever occur to you how many things there are to remember? (Did it ever occur to you how many of those things your mother has reminded you of? Jk.) It's a long list, no?

"Remember to pack your socks. You'll need them, and I'm not sharing." "You always say that, and you always do."

"Remember to drive safe!" "Why not 'Remember to use your road rage?' It's more memorable."

We even get pegged for remembering things for other people! "Remind me to remember that Susy has to remember her..." "Um, no."

I forgot my driver's license today, which is a long story. I didn't need it to drive, I needed to buy a deer tag. I ended up driving home, too.

"Remember that you have a dentist appointment." "I don't like the dentist."

"Remember to get some sleep!" We all know the one and only person whose name goes down in history for saying that. (Don't get me wrong. I love my mother. Just gotta poke some fun. :D )

"Remember your manners." "I do remember them. Do I have to use them too?"

 You are probably wondering why exactly I am posting this.

Several reasons: I am me, duh. It is late at night, the family is asleep, the fire is blazing, and there is something strangely alert in my upper story. It can be quite unfortunate, believe me. Because my sister had a hilarious brain fart that put me in mind of this post.

My sister got to her piano lesson today, sat down on the bench to play her scales and happened to glance at the theory book in her teacher's hands. "Oh!" my sister exclaimed, "I forgot my eyes!" ...uncomfortable silence..."Aaaand...where did you leave them?" the teacher replied. "Oh, no, I meant my I's. I didn't label the root chords the way I should have in my theory book..." *Lightbulb*

"Remember that Northern Indian (India in South Aisa) music style is called Hindustani."

"Remember that one guy we met? You know, the guy with the - " "Yeah! And when we were at the um...the um...that place we went to for the thinger. You know, where that guy was and - " "Uh-huh. And we ate that one kind of food there, that stuff that was like, really good? And there was this inside joke we were laughing about, you know, about that one thing we were doing there...well anyway, you remember the guy?" "Not a clue."

Which above hypothetical reminds me of a conversation I had about two weeks ago with a friend...

But I won't remind you of the details.

Good night!


  1. Ahahaha! You, m'dear, are a funny one. *grin*

    Don't forget to bring your face!

  2. What? Did I leave it somewhere?

    Thank you for remembering to comment! :D

  3. and you forgot to remind me to look for my computer cord before I left on Wednesday night.
    Shucks, I hate it when I forget to remember.
    Love you!
