

Why a Thousand Words?

"A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words."

We've all heard it. Photographers love it. But I prefer a thousand words. That's how I named this blog. In the future, I'll be posting stories, writing tips, and perhaps even holding "Thousand Word" contests. Prepare for wild topics, and interesting writing projects.

Here's something to keep you going until I can post a real story.

Recently my family and I went on vacation. It wasn't a typical vacation, with lawn chairs, a lake, and sunscreen. We went to Illinois, Kentucky, Tennesse, Virginia, and even Ohio. (Ok, Ohio was only five minutes...) As usual, we had plenty of adventures. I learned to expect the unexpected, because I know I'll still be surprised. (I'm still figureing that out too.) Anyway, here's a list of what I learned.

1. Sunscreen in more important than Sunburn Gel.

2. Lincoln worked several jobs in New Salem, Illinois.

3. Mosquito's are bearable if you aren't melting.

4. Heat is bearable if there aren't mosquito's.

5. The Lincoln Troubadour singers are amazing!

6. Guys with tattoos and long hair with trucks that light on fire can be really nice people.

7. How to minimize bathroom stops on the road...Got that down to a science!

8. Navigating Springfield, Illinois, is next to impossible.

9. East or West, Home is best.

10. Sitting still for twelve hours is actually possible.

11. Sitting still for twelve hours with nowhere to put your feet, a suitcase on your lap, and your brother's feet in your face is a lot more difficult.

12. I miss my dog to much to leave home for three weeks again.

13. Always Always Always write it down!


  1. YAY! I can't wait to see more!! :-D
    Btw, I love the background. :)

  2. Thanks! And Thanks! Btw, you've got to be my "Faithful Commenter" you know. Just so we're on the same page!

  3. Oh, do you like the profile?

  4. You're welcome. And you're welcome! :)
    OK, you got it boss. Comments comin up!
    And yes, I do like the profile! Very catchy indeed. :)

  5. Good, I need comments.
    Glad you like the profile! I'm phsyched!
