

Today I Did

5.1.11 Today I washed my hair and let it dry in front of our fireplace. What a lovely feeling.

4.30.11 Today I went to the Evangelical Covenant Church and helped package rice meals with Kids Against Hunger. It felt wonderful to know that I was helping starving children. By the time we finished, I was regretting that I'd been frustrated with my mom for making me go. I only wish I'd volunteered to go earlier. As a note in passing, to help somebody who can't help me back is one of my New Year's dreams. (Yes, I'm still thinking about them.) Last night I thought this would qualify, but now I'm not sure. Helping to package the food gave me a deeper sense of compassion and a desire to do more. Isn't that a way of helping me back?

4.29.11 Today I studied hard. Aside from the fact that it was studying and it took forever, it felt good. (Astronomy, if you want to know. Mostly about stars: Red Giants, Supergiants, White Dwarfs and all that jazz.)

4.29.11 (Evening) My study was rewarded - I went to a sleepover with some girlfriends and we had a wonderful time playing Kinnect, Bananagrams, and watching a movie. Got to bed at 3-ish. *Blissful sigh*

5.1.11 Today I and my older brother led the High school Sunday school class. We played clips of a speaker talking about using good questions to discern inconsistencies and contradictions in false worldviews. It was a good video, humorous, relevant, profound, and useful. We prayed beforehand that the teaching would impact the class and be meaningful.

4.25.11 Today I was jealous when I found out my friend is going to Alaska played basketball and soccer with some friends. It was a beautiful day, and it felt sooooooo good to be outside. I think the girls team won too. (Just sayin', Friend-in-Alaska.)

5.1.11 Today I received the following email from my dad.

"Hey G babe! This is doting dad! I can't think aof anythibng rlly good to anny U at the momnt except fir realyy bad spelling and hpfully grmmr!"

Uh-huh. I have great parents, just for the record. Life if rough.

He got this back.

"I don't know exactly what or who gave you this mistaken idea, but you seem to think you're hilarious. News flash. You aren't. Read that again. Memorize it.

Are we clear?"
But of course, he couldn't let that rest. So I got this back.
"Perhaps someday you will rise to my level of humor... until then I suppose I shall have to put up with you as you are, irritating little dolt that you may be."
Yeah. Loving, no?
I searched him out and pummeled him. As well as I could. Which...wasn't very well, but I tried.

5.1.11 Today I went out to breakfast with my dad. We had a lovely time talking and laughing. Talking about books that I was reading and he wanted to read: laughing (mostly Dad) when we discovered I'd talked right through spilling on my dress pants. FYI: melted cheese doesn't wipe off of dress pants as one might desire. Also: be very careful what you eat and how you eat it if you are going to speak in front of a crowd.


  1. Love it! Especially the email part. :-P

  2. Hahahahahaha that email cracked me up! :)

  3. Finally another awesmazing person on the premises!

  4. I echo your...wait, You echo my rejoicing! Thank you SO MUCH Liz, for commenting. My dad was a fan of the email one too. Heh. Heh.

  5. HEY! How come I don't get a desperate thank you??? Sheesh. Come on, Miz Fingers! Rawr.

  6. Inna, my humblest appologies. I am more grateful to you than you know for your faithful comments. Unless of course, you happen to remember those long-gone days when you only had 18 followers and one faithful commenter.
