

Extended Metaphor

This week I was required to write an extended metaphor comparing somebody I care deeply about to something.

My friend is a graceful birch tree, gently wearing but never flaunting its beauty of appearence and character. It provides perches for the birds and watches with enchantment the nature that grows and develops around it. It dances gratefully to every light breeze, and even the harsh frosts of fall cannot take away its cheer. The birch simply turns her leaves to gold before she lets them fall as insulation to the folliage below. Although on the outside, the birch appears almost too lightheared, inside it is strong and sturdy; its roots have grown deeply into the eternal foundational rock.

Visit the blog of my amazing friend.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwe!!!! *Blink blink, teary eyes*
    I do believe that's the closest you've ever gotten to making me cry!
    It's shameful, really it is.
