


Yep. I know. Crazy title, no? Very random. I rather like it, though. It's because I couldn't think of a proper name for this post. Everything I came up with was rather generic. I need ya'll's help. (Somebody google this for me, is "ya'll's" a word?) (Correct answer: Yes, it is now.)


We have a bridge near our house. I once thought it was an ordinary bridge. It has those metal fingers, like any bridge. It gets icy in the winter. It has road markings on it, even. But then, one day--

It shrunk.

I am serious.

It is now officially a narrow bridge.

Used to be, you could drive right across at 60 mph. Breeze right on through as if the little thing were an ordinary bridge, made for drivers who need to get somewhere in a hurry. (Does that not cover everybody?) The next day, Somebody (who shall remain unnamed) had kindly posted a sign that the bridge had shrunk, and that it was now only safe to drive 40 mph across the bridge. The sign didn't give all the details; what caused the bridge to shrink (feeling small due to an inferiority complex?) or why it didn't warn anybody (revengeful thinking for being trampled without so much as thanks?) The sign really only read "Narrow Bridge."

I was astounded. Really? A shrinking bridge? (Photographers, I'll sell time slots to go over and take pics?!)

I will keep all of you posted as to it's upcoming habits. If there is any growing being done, you'll all be aware of it as soon as I can access my computer.

Oh, and I've totally owned every other bridge story out there, so don't even try. Mwahahahahaha! Jk.


  1. Ooooh! Poor little bridge!! Can you imagine the blow to his pride?! *sniff*
    Being called "narrow" indeed! It's like saying he was narrow minded or something! I can't believe it. How could those sign people be so unfeeling towards a poor innocent bridge?!

    (Got a *wittle* carried away there ... :)

  2. Thought I should post again, cuz "One awesmazing people commented" is gramatically wrong. But "TWO awesmazing people commented" is a different matter entirely. ;)
