

One perfect day

This is also something I wrote years ago. I don't remember the occasion or circumstance, I just konw I must have been feeling thoughful.

When the suns dancing rays shine down on a beautiful world, when birds are singing purely for joy, when the breeze blows gently as though it knows you already, on such a perfect day as this a wonderful song awakens within us that cannot be put to words. The birds know it and sing it in their delightful dialect of trills and whistles. The leaves know it and whisper it for all who love to listen. And God know is, for it is He who sang it into us and over us when He breathed into us that which is called the breath of life. There it echoes undying until it is fulfilled in Him.


  1. Wow.
    I love going back and finding gems that were written or photographed etc., that I've forgotten about.

  2. I do too. There's a blurp about some Bear Tooth Pass that I'd like to share. You'll have to wait and see!

  3. Where are you I wanted to talk to you but you weren't on the internet.

  4. Inna: Josh found my blog up when I wasn't here (apparently I stayed signed in) so that second coment was posted by an identity thief.

  5. *Gasp!*
    Stolen identity, and you're only (almost) seventeen!? What is this world coming to??

  6. I don't know, but Josh has plenty to do with it. If we locked him up for a long time, would the world improve? (Don't tell 'im I wrote that, please.)
