

Gratitude Challenge: Day 11

Wow. I'm blessed. I just keep coming back to that. There are just so many little things.

*I got to wash my hair.

*My sister let me shower first.

*I get to play an amazing song for my senior recital. Prelude in G Minor by Rachmaninoff. In case you were wondering. You probably weren't. Now you know anyway.

*There are so many other people who are grateful for little things too! It's amazing!

*I have a dog, and she loves me as much as I love her. Just watch her follow me around and tell me otherwise.

*I have a test tomorrow. And you're thinking "Now she's gone off the deep end." Nope. That happened ages ago. Better swimming down here.

Actually, it's a chance for me to prove that I'm learning something - to myself and to my professor. And tests are kind of exciting things, don't you think? Probably not. *Sigh*

*I have six things to be grateful for. That's a lot. Cool.

*It is amazingly beautiful outside. I just can't get enough of fall! Every time I think about it I get that runny-cartwheely-jump-up-and-downy feeling an' I wanna go jump in a pile of leaves and play with me pooch and ride me horse and Ooooooooooh! Fall is just so amazing.

*Praying for people. There is something indescribable about going into the presence of a holy and loving God and saying "I'm not here for me. Please, please be with this friend/family member and bless them.Carry them close to your heart God, and carry their heart in your hands. Bind up their wounds. Be with them and give them the faith and the peace they need." I want those people to know that their cause is being petitioned at the foot of their heavenly Father's throne, and that the cause will not be dropped until an answer is received. And then to say, "Thank you, God, that you have answered me already."

*I don't have to get up at 5 tomorrow. (Others in my family do. Touche.)

*I got to go into the 5th and 6th grade AWANA T&T room tonight and help listen to verses during handbook time. I. Love. Those. Girls. About five of them gave me hugs right off the bat. They're all so energetic and wonderful! I can't wait for next Wednesday evening.

Gratefully yours,
Miz Fingers


  1. So true! Praying for other people is such a beautiful experience; and so is praying in general. I am SO glad we get to do it - prayer is something I often take for granted and forget about how powerful it truly is. It's one of the things that sets Christianity apart from other religions: we actually get to talk to our Father. How cool is that?!

    After reading this, and realizing my thoughts while typing this comment, I'm so excited to pray now. Thank you! :)

  2. Miz Fingers, I agree with Sky! Sometimes prayer is something I just take for granted. OK, most of the time. Thanks for the wonderful thoughts, girl!

    P.S. it *is* beautiful outdoors, isn't it?? Gah! I can't wait to visit again. And then perhaps we can get some of that cartwheely horseback-ridiness out of ya! :D
