

Gratitude Challenge: Day 3


I missed a few days. Boo for busyness.

I'll keep going. Day three can be today and yesterday combined.

*I love ice-cream. Yummy.

*I love ice-cream even better when you have a ginormous bowl with chocolate on top and you get to eat it watching a chick-flick with your amazing mother and fabulous sister. Wonderfulness.

*I love the new movie, Courageous. God is clearly at work when a church can produce a strongly Christian movie that has you laughing breathlessly one moment and sobbing the next.

*When the pastor of your church says something that makes sense and speaks to you where you are.

*Autumn has cast a spell-binding charm over me with the richness of her color pallet. I am ecstatic in this season.  

*The sound of dried leaves dancing gently to the grass in the middle of a fall afternoon.

*Realizing that I can enter the throne room of my Holy and Almighty God - and run into his arms singing and laughing!

*Realizing that that reaction thrills God!

*Having friends over for supper - making homemade pizza - eating outside? - enjoying fellowship.

*Having my older brother home.

"Thank you Jesus for the beauty and wonder that surround me."

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