

Gratitude Challenge: Day 5

*Reading in bed.

*Dancing around like a child and trying to catch leaves as they fall off of the trees. Even the dog was giving me a funny look.

*Realizing that I might just have enough money to go on a choir trip!

*Knowing that I have friends.

*Eating a midnight snack at 11:21.

*Entertaining my parents. Primary mode of entertainment was teasing. They were trying to go to sleep and I was wide awake, so it was highly amusing for me to tease them while they were helplessly wishing I would leave. (They were laughing also, just so you know. I'm not usually as cruel as I sound.)

*Reading aloud as a family and talking and laughing about it the whole time. The book is Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo. You oughta read it too. Srsly.

*Seeing the moon.

*Howling at the moon. It's an inside joke and an old tradition with a particular friend. Sorry. *Turns and raises hands to mouth* "Aahhhooooooo!"

*Knowing that you are giving your computer a really funny look right after reading that last statement. You should see your face.

*Giving a piano student her first lesson (with me) and knowing that she's more advanced than any of my others. Woot!

*Going to sleep. I am going there shortly, and I hope it is not a long journey. Sometimes it is farther and more ardorous than otherwise. Hopefully not tonight - I'm not up for a long trek.

1 comment:

  1. *sigh*
    I love your lists. :D

    Howling at the moon, eh? You should read that Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place book ... it goes with the howling theme. :)
