

Gratitude Challenge: Day 6

Today in youth group, we talked about life not being fair. Mom asked what I thought about it. *Ponders* I don't know. I guess I enjoy life. I mean, it's good. I immediately thought of my challenge. Does that have anything to do with my outlook? Or is it the other way around? Whatever it was, I realized...once again...that I am more blessed than I even understand. Thus these posts, I suppose!

*I am more blessed than I know, and my heavenly Father likes it that way. Especially when I run up and thank him!

*For a choir teacher who understands what dog days are all about. We didn't sing today, which she is usually a drill sergeant about. We went outside and sat in the sunshine. Well, some of us sat. Mostly the cute girls watched the football boys playing with a big, rubber bungee strap. They were trying to catapult the littler fellas into the football practice mat.

*For the knowledge that the flies plaguing my life out will die tomorrow at the mercy of the black hole. Its Latin name is Vacumeous.

*For Friday nights. I know, it's Wednesday. Duh. But Friday cometh, ye scholars! Rejoice! Unless you have homework. Then still rejoice, because there's Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

*For being grateful for so many things, I can't remember all of them.

*For my World Music class. Some of the stuff I hear...I tell ya. "When the dance is over, Sweetheart, I will take you ho-ome in my one-eyed Ford. Way-ah ah-ah oh ay..." I cracked up just listening to this! It's a love song, and you just read the one and only line. :D

*For text messages. For LY's and JK's and LOL's and ROFL's and dude-speak.

"Dude." [Greetings, friend.]
"Dude." [Greetings.]
"Dude?" [What do you think of the media's take of Michele Bachmann's run for Republican nominee for President?"
"Dude." [I think they're biased and should take into consideration Bachmann's background and campaign thus far.] (This is not a political opinion - just an example of Dude-speak.)

You get the drift? Redicuhlous, wot? Pardon....*ahem*..."Dude?"

*For parents that understand me, and encourage me, and support me, and tell me how much they love me.

*That I can still remember the fingering c sharp harmonic minor scale.

*And the a flat harmonic minor scale, which is harder.

*And the f minor harmonic scale, which is harder yet.

I don't think those should really count as three, but hey! It's my blog. I make the rules.

It only counts as two.

*For sending in my first college application. It's a good feeling.

*For friends of my mother's that like me enough to say "You can't graduate," when what I know they're saying is "I don't want you to go off to school!" I offered to one friend that I could go to school in the town she lives in. Unfortunately, the population there is prolly under 100. The nearest legit public school is 10 miles away. Heh. Heh.

*That my friend is doing this with me. I'm not alone! Yay!

*For having more than 10 things that I can actually remember to be grateful for.


  1. you know I am laughing right now!
    and by the way, the nearest legit public school is only about two blocks away--if you're willing to go back to 2nd grade...

  2. Ooooh, oops.

    I'm not though. That changes things.

    How about this...I come home, I see my parents, I see my second parents (the Edwards) I see everybody else.

    And I come home a bunchbunchbunch of weekends.

    Slightly better?
