

Gratitude Challenge: Day 19

Today was good. Really good. I think I still have permafrost in my backside from the bleachers at the football game though. :-\

*Hearing about renowned "DNA" bobby pins. They are reputed to equal roughly 80 regular pins, which is wonderful given my thick hair.

*Eating chili with crackers for lunch. And enjoying my sister's company simultaneous.

*My sister will be in advanced skating with my other sister! She just got an email saying they think she's good enough to skip the last to basic levels and move up to advanced! Woot! Go Little Sister!

*Finishing several assignments.

*Playing Music Box Dancer - again and again and again.

*Trying to overcome writers block.

*Looking at other people's blogs.

*When really amazing gentlemen bring silly girls coats at football games because the silly girls were to silly to bring their own. (Erm...Ahem. Thank you Sir!)

*Knowing that somebody prays for you.

*Having quiet time to just talk to God.


  1. there are few things as great as finishing assignments--definitely something to be thankful for! Thanks for the great chat tonight and the friendship. If I had a list, those would be at or close to the top. Bless you friend!

  2. Thank you! I enjoyed our chat as well - and I am endlessly grateful for our friendship.

    Blessings on your interrupted life!

  3. Way to go, "Little Sister"!!! That is so awesome! Amazing job!

    And yes, having quiet time is so beautiful. I need to slow down and do it more often.

    Miss you!!
