

Gratitude Challenge: Day 9

At least, it's sort of day 9. It's supposed to be day 11. Oops. I'll make it a longer list, ok? Ok.

*Crazy friends who watch crazy movies with me at crazy hours of the night. And aren't afraid to do it again.

*The game Scattergories. We played this on Friday night as a family. Then on Saturday, we played it again and ended up rolling the same letter for some of the same lists as the night before, which gave some of us an unfair advantage, I'll admit.

*Eating breakfast burritos, sour oranges, crisp grapes and caramel rolls for supper. Without having to do the dishes. (Thank you Debbie. You rock.)

*Watching my sister research cameras in search of the perfect, (affordable) first (professional) camera. She's been waiting forever for this!

*Knowing that people love me.

*Knowing that some few people trust my brain. Sometimes. I need the reminder that I can trust the organ too. :D

*Realizing that I didn't have to study as much as I thought I did.

*Talking to my friend on the phone on Sunday afternoon. A long time.

*Being in suspense. (I haven't seen my senior pics yet, and it's driving me crazy. A good kind of crazy.)

*Thanking God for the full moon.

*Looking at the full moon some more.

*And some more.

*And thanking God some more.

*Knowing that I have one WHOLE SONG memorized for my senior recital. (Piano, fyi.) It's a ragtime two-step by Joplin. Called The Easy Winners. Nice cocky title, that. Just my style.

*Believing that tomorrow will be a good day.

Happy Late-Monday-night-and-Tuesday, folks!


  1. I do love reading your lists. They make me smile. :)

  2. i like number five.
    it's true.
    don't ever forget it.
