

Gratitude Challenge: Day 7

Life. Is. Good.

And it's entirely due to God's grace. A couple of reasons I know that's true:

*I have sisters who love me.

*I have hilarious friends.

*We have hilarious conversations.

*That I can talk dead-seriously about things like majoring in chickens and yard work to perturbing images of hippos in pink wetsuits.

*That I can sit up late at night and hear the music of silence. It sounds somewhat like the wind blowing and the fridge running and typing on me laptop and absolutely nothing else.

*That when I randomly looked at a model in an advertisement, she had the same haircut as me. (I am not paranoid about weight and name brand clothing etc., but it's encouraging to see a model showing off the same style and color hair as you have.)

*That I had cheese and broccoli for supper.

*For goosebumps. Because they necessitate blankets and cocoa and fires in fireplaces and good books and no homework.

*For a mumsy who likes to play with my hair.

*For sleep.



  1. I do enjoy conversatios about majoring in chickens and yard work and wish I could have been able to participate in the conversation about hippos in wetsuits. I could have definitely added to the conversation.
    Happy Friday!

  2. I like that I can often find myself hidden in these posts somewhere or another ...

    I like that you like broccoli.

    I like that you have awesome hair.

    I like your description of silence. [silent grin]

    I like you.

    That is all.
