

Gratitude Challenge: Day 14

*I am so grateful for my Daddy. Honestly, with what I have been going through in the last week, that counts as a list of 10 in itself.

But just for you, I'll include some more.

*Amazing friends who explain the rules of swim meets and help make my evenings so awesome.

*Finally having a comment on my last post. :D Thanks Inna!

*Having time to play Prelude in G minor by Rachmaninoff. *Ahem* I played as much as I know, which is roughly 4 measures more than 1/6th of the total.

*Finishing my first complete college app. Sent it in the mail today!

*Taking word quizzes: you select (from a list of four) the meaning of 10 words and I made it through the post-college level "Dynamo". It is estimated that I know some 53,000 words. (Hint: try to find a root word and guess from there. It works well - fooled the website!)

*Blogging. It's been a long day of school.

*Finally having my bedroom back (from bags of clothing that were necessarily stored in here.)

*Watching my friend dive exceptionally well at a diving meet. She received the highest scores!!!

*Eating spaghetti.


  1. We ate spaghetti tonight and if I had made a list today, that would have been on it as well. Oh, and having a great young people that call and share their hearts. :)
    Sleep tight dear friend.

  2. Addition:

    *Wonderful friends whom I can call late at night an receive a strong shoulder, prayer, and love. Love you Tiffany!

    We have a lot of pasta right now. It will prolly show up almost every day on my list, and then disappear forever when I'm sick of it! Jk. I love pasta.

  3. Love your posts. And love you, girly!
