

Gratitude Challenge: Day 20

I am nearly wordless with gratitude right now. Today was vastly blessed.

*There were 49 pageviews. It may be vain to count them and to rejoice over them, but it's an all time high and I'm feeling celebratory!

*I got a complement. Somebody liked my humor. It is always so encouraging to receive a simple, spontaneous complement. Thank you, um...Complementer! You are appreciated.

*I saw my senior pictures! Gah! I have a wonderful photographer. She managed to make me look good, I think! Some of you commented on my photos - Thanks! My daddy was greatly encouraging and loving. These next sentences are exact quotes. "You sure look beautiful. But then, you always look beautiful." "You just can't take a bad picture." Daddy, I love you so, so much. It's not even funny. *Giggle* (I'll choke up about this later.)

*Seeing my precious 3-5th graders in AWANA. Those girls are wonderful. Eating ice-cream with them is about tops. Except, of course, seeing them learn about Christ and grasp His truth.

*Getting to go to a free, choir concert. It's coming up on Saturday. Been a while since I've been on the audience side of a choir concert. :D

*Mailing in my...second? application. Only three to go!

*Finishing a reading assignment and some writing requirements.

*Petting my dog.

*Making $33. Always a good feelin'.

*Having the courage to talk in youth group tonight. I asked our leader/coordinater if I could have a minute to challenge everyone to do the Operation Christmas Child boxes - she said yes - and I just spoke about how easy it was and how I wanted our youth group to step up and fill the boxes we had on hand.

Only one day left of my Gratitude Challenge. It's not too late to join, if you were wondering, friends. Don't be shy! Leave a comment if you can and share something you've been grateful for lately.


  1. Honestly, I don't think it vain to count page views. Just think of it as finding out how many times you had the opportunity to bless someone through your blog that day! That's how I think of it. :)

    Where are your senior photo--I would love to see them!

    I'm actually doing something very similar right now. Have you heard of One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp? I really recommend it! Anyhow, I'm doing the challenge. Some of mine from today were:
    101. Grandma Jody who spends time with me and shares her stories and wisdom

    107. teachers changing deadlines for big projects to a week later!

    Have a great evening!

    In Christ,
    Emily Grace

  2. I likes your humor too. *grin*

    And congrats with your pageviews! Wootwoot!

    And I love your senior pics.

    And really, way to go with speaking up in youth group. I know that speaking up can be very hard sometimes!
