

Gratitude Challenge: Day 16

I knew it was going to happen.

Today was a challenge. I'm feeling a bit discouraged right now. *Sigh* Literally. And I can't think of any reason to be discouraged either. That's the worst part. Agreed? But I am still grateful for some of the things that happened today.

*I wrote an essay and turned it in - within an hour. That is always a good feeling.

*I got some time with Mom.

*My cleaning job went quickly.

*It wasn't cold outside.

*The puppies are beautiful and I haven't had to bottle feed them yet.

*Mom and I laughed hysterically about Hoover. Story: One gloomy midnight last winter, Older Brother and Younger Sister got up to bottle feed puppies. One puppy gulped so much milk that he was 3 OUNCES heaver after the feeding than before! The poor pup was so chubby and full we thought he just might burst, so we didn't dare put him back on the heating pad. We left him on the cement floor for a few minutes to help him in his agony. Mom and I were weighing pups tonight and one of them gained a whole 2.3 ounces, which reminded us of the story from last year. It felt good to laugh so hard again!

*I played a game of Blockus with my sisters and mother.

*I can play Away in a Manger on the hammer dulcimer.

*I only need to think of one more thing.

*Tonight is family night.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you take a discouraging day and still find things to be thankful for. That is a very special thing. And you are a very special friend. <3
